Spring 2016 Climate Survey Overview
The University took an initial step toward understanding the campus climate in 2015, with a climate survey that measured attitudes and experiences of undergraduates and graduate students with respect to sexual misconduct. In April of this year, the University launched its first Campus Climate Survey aimed at capturing some of the experiences and perceptions of students, tenure-track appointees, non tenure-track appointees, postdoctoral researchers, and staff on a broad range of issues related to diversity and inclusion. A faculty steering committee and a faculty working group developed and deployed the Survey, with campus input through a series of forums that identified issues important to our community. Administering the Climate Survey is intended to be a crucial step towards improving our campus climate.
Reporting these data is only the first step in using the Climate Survey to understand and improve the climate on campus regarding diversity and inclusion. The survey results will serve as one baseline against which to measure improvement; be a catalyst for communication and discussion; and will contribute to the development and implementation of new programs, policies, and activities designed to foster a more inclusive climate.
Our understanding of these initial findings will be enriched through engagement and discussion across campus. There will be numerous opportunities for the campus community to attend forums to discuss the data and their implications, and to help shape the University’s approach to addressing concerns raised in the report.